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APC InRow Cooling
An 8 min video discussing APC’s InRow cooling benefits, specifically the InRow RP/RC Chilled water solution installed in the ATC.
Data center cooling and airflow management is a very common problem in most data centers especially those data centers deploying High Density racks which are racks typically exceeding more than 5-7KW. In this video we will explore the benefits of APC’s InRow cooling technology and how this approach takes the guess work out of designing cooling for IT equipment.
Traditional data center cooling involves a raised floor with CRAC’s/CRAH’s blowing cold air down into the raised floor which is then consumed by the IT racks through perforated floor tiles in the Cold Aisle. Typically the problem is controlling the hot air coming out of the back of the racks and ensuring this hot air does not mix with the cold air and gets consumed by the AC units. This air seperation can be accomplished with ducts or containment but customers are typically still oversizing their AC design to assist with hot spot issues and the mixing of data center air. Since AC units will work more efficiently and typically provide more capacity when consuming warmer air, why not move the AC units as close to the heat as possible? With APC’s InRow cooling and Hot Aisle Containment, we can provide much more predictable and efficient cooling designs as opposed to traditional oversized raised floor approaches. When the AC units are InRow with the IT racks, they consume the hot air before it has a chance to rise and mix with the cold air. Hot air consumption is further accomplished with accompanied with Hot Aisle Containment.
(Nguồn: World Wide Technology Inc.)